Sunday, April 11, 2010

Progressive Christian Author Shows GLBT, Cocaine Addiction and Incest in New Memoir

Progressive Christian Author Shows GLBT, Cocaine Addiction and Incest in New Memoir
Shockingly Detailed Content Runs Risk of Throwing Off Current Fans

Dr. Reece Manley has stripped off all of the shackles in his new memoir Overcome!  Overcome! contains the hard hitting gay life, cocaine addiction, incest recovery and more of the challenges that make Reece Manley’s memoir fascinating.  “My life was essentially a train crash, horribly fascinating.  You don’t want to watch but you’ve got to see what happens next,” says Reece.  “Add to this the horrible chronic pain from the surgery injury and the near death experience and you have a more complete picture of how big of a miracle my life is.”

Dr. Manley has begun to attract more readers in his progressive Christian works being featured on CBS Radio, Valder Beebe, Nancy Tursi, Joyce Keller and host of others.  “I’m very gratified that Crossing Twice and Spirit Thinking are beginning to find their niches.  I stand behind both of these books unequivocally.  However, I have to admit they have been written from my perspective as a progressive Christian author as well as rising spirituality expert,” says Reece.

Overcome! is a much different work.  “It is a much longer, much more complete look at my life.  My gay and lesbian brothers and sisters will see themselves in it.  The GLBT culture is still very much a part of my life now, however, I’m sober and spiritual versus addled and addicted.  My life has true joy that is not based on anything than the sheer greatness of God’s love and grace.  The Creator accepts me as perfect, just as the Creator loves accepts everyone – right here, right now, just as they are.  I didn’t write the memoir to preach but to reach.”

Overcome! will not be carried by Advocate USA Publishing, however, Dr. Manley’s next spiritually focused book, Needles and Haystacks: The Gift of Discernment will be published if Dr. Manley chooses to go with us,” says Rick Setter of Advocate USA, LLC.  “We deeply respect the journey Reece needed to take with Overcome! and we know readers will be inspired and empowered.”

Overcome! has finished the first draft and soon will be sent to agents and publisher’s for consideration.  Those wishing to take an inside look at Ovecome! are invited to visit (Hidden on site ) and Reece can be contacted at 214-206-1607 or .

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